To view Weekly Bulletin: Click on event(s) link below (purple button) and the pdf document will open for you to view.
To download and save: Click on event(s) link below (purple button) pdf document will open. You will be prompted by a grey navigation bar as you scroll down or move your mouse down the page the first icon from the left on this bar is the "save a copy" and you can download a PDF document by clicking and saving to a location on your device. You can also print from this bar which is the second icon from the left "print file". Available to view and download on desktop, tablet and mobile devices. Request Archived Bulletin(s) from any date or event, please send a message from the contact page.
Fourth Sunday after Pentecost Holy Eucharist
June 28, 2020
Service Bulletin
Third Sunday after Pentecost Holy Eucharist
June 21, 2020
Service Bulletin
Second Sunday after Pentecost Holy Eucharist
June 14, 2020
Service Bulletin
Trinity Sunday
Holy Eucharist
June 7, 2020
Service Bulletin
2015-2020 Tablet Site
St Francis Anglican Parish
919-292-0031 | 1089 Wilkins Drive, Sanford, North Carolina 27330
Responsive Website: Desktop | Tablet | Mobile
Web and Graphic Design by Sandhills Graphics