St. Francis Anglican Parish  Tablet

Welcome to St Francis.  Our church building is open to the public.  Concerns remain for the health and safety of St Francis parishioners, in order to be safe while offering Holy Eucharist.


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  -  Sunday mornings two identical services will be conducted first 9am-10am and second 11am-12pm.  We want to have safe distancing inside the church building we ask that you choose the time you prefer and we believe this will split us more or less evenly.


  -  Greeters will help direct you from the parking lot through the double doors in the back of church.  Please note all other entrances into the church will remain locked.


  -  At this time masks are required!  Wear your own mask as you enter the church building.  If you do not have a mask, one will be provided.


  -  Ushers will greet you, show you where to pick up service bulletin, and take you to a seat.  Hand sanitizer will be offered to you, bring your own but we ask that you use it as you come into the church.


  -  Special music will be provided during the service, there will be no general singing in the church at this time.


  -  Please maintain six feet of distance from non-family members while coming into church, while in church, and when leaving church.  Opportunity for fellowship while in the parking lot before and after the service.


  -  At this time we ask you not to use the restrooms inside the church unless it is an emergency!


  -  During Communion, we will approach in a single file, one side of the church at a time, maintaining six feet.  Please wear your mask when you come up.  The Celebrant, who will be masked, will drop a host into your hands.  The chalice at this time will not be offered. Return to your seat.  After all have been given the hosts, we will all consume them simultaneously.


  -  Following the Blessing and Dismissal, please leave the church without lingering and while maintaining your distance.  You can greet people outside.


For your safety and the health of others if you are sick, feeling ill, have health concerns or are at risk please stay home until you are well.

If you are not comfortable with coming physically to church at this time, please do not feel obligated in doing so.  Wait until you are comfortable.  We will continue to have services available for you on the social media facebook.  For your convenience we have added a link to facebook to the St Francis navigation bar at the top of this window.  Login to facebook and join us at "St Francis Anglican Church" on Sunday 9am and Wednesday mornings at 11:30am.  To visit St Francis on facebook click the link provided below.  If you prefer to search facebook "St Francis Anglican Church" or copy this URL into your browser

Concerns for health and safety

2015-2020 Tablet Site

St Francis Anglican Parish

919-292-0031  |  1089 Wilkins Drive, Sanford, North Carolina 27330

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Web and Graphic Design by Sandhills Graphics